Marie Nedregotten Sørbø at Norden / The North: Anglo-Nordic Exchanges, 1700-1850

Marie Nedregotten Sørbø will present TTT at the conference Norden/The North: Anglo Nordic Exchanges, 1700-1850 at St. Mary’s University, Strawberry Hill, London (28-29 November 2014), organised in  conjunction with the Nordic Association for Romantic Studies, and with the generous support of the Danish Embassy in London and the Anglo-Swedish Literary Foundation. She will discuss some preliminary results in a paper with the title  ‘Travelling texts around 1850: British women embraced in the North’.

ABSTRACT: Historiographies of eighteenth-century and Romantic literary culture have often had a blind spot for the contributions of women. British women writers were active in different genres like fiction, drama, poetry and essay, and they were read and received in their own world. How many of them were also received in the North? The focus in this paper will be on texts from around 1800 translated and commented in Norway until the 1850s. The mid-century marks the start of a new wave of imported literature in Norwegian newspapers and for the book-market. Although the main emphasis was on contemporary writers, some of the famous names of the Romantic period were among the early choices for translation: Frances Burney, Hannah More and Grace Kennedy. Also the reception of Jane Austen will be considered in this context.