Script_Nature of Connections Bristol Feb 2015
This script is an example of our discussions concerning the development of a relational approach to the history of literary culture, very much a work in progress rather than a polished text.
Script_Nature of Connections Bristol Feb 2015
This script is an example of our discussions concerning the development of a relational approach to the history of literary culture, very much a work in progress rather than a polished text.
We are delighted to present the programme and abstracts of our closing conference Cultural Encounters through Reading and Writing: New Approaches to the History of European Literary Culture, which took place at Glasgow Women’s Library on 9-11 June 2016.
After a general presentation of TTT Henriette Partzsch discussed the presence of women writers in the Spanish daily press during the second time window under scrutiny (1850-1870). The talk was part of the research seminar series of the School of Modern Languages & Cultures at the University of Glasgow (25 March 2015).
How can we make literary history effective so that it “changes literary history from being a closed book to an open process of inquiry”, in the words of Mario Valdés? This is just one of the questions that will be discussed at a workshop meeting about gender and biography between history and literature organised by Mónica Burguera in Madrid (Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Humanidades, Madrid, 18-19 December 2014). Henriette Partzsch will participate with a paper about the history of literary culture and transnational interchanges.
Henriette Partzsch gave a paper with the title “Travelling Texts, 1790-1914: A Transnational Approach to Nineteenth-Century Literary Culture in Spain”, presenting the project with a special emphasis on its Spanish dimension at the IV International Symposium of the Nineteenth-Century Hispanists Network at York University, Toronto (April 2014).