Interactive presentations of literary historical information on women writers

At the Knowledge Exchange Workshop “Women’s History: Research, Dissemination and the role of the Digital” taking place in the KB National Library of the Netherlands on September 29 – 30, 2015, two interactive installations were presented realized in an interdisciplinary collaboration coordinated by Dr. Aleš Vaupotič from the University of Nova Gorica.

Visualization of selected quotations of Dutch women writers in 3D virtual space


Receptions—materialized as quotations—of Dutch women writers are presented in an interactive 3D virtual space. The reading of quotations is embedded in a landscape: the quotations appear along the walks between the objects in the space that represent writers of receptions and the women writers and thus connect them. However, the reading is also linear, since the paths between the women writers become available only after the user has read the previous text-fragments. The visualization explores ways of the linear reading of network-based text in space.

Presentation concept for Dutch literary field focusing on women writers and quotation selection: Dr. Suzan Van Dijk, Huygens Institute for the History of Netherlands. Concept for spatialized reading: Dr. Narvika Bovcon, University of Ljubljana, and Dr. Aleš Vaupotič, University of Nova Gorica. 3D space design and coding: Jernej Grosar. Mentors: Dr. Narvika Bovcon, Assist. Jure Demšar, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana. Game engine: Unity3d. 3D models:,

Visualization of connections between Spanish women writers


The interactive visualization shows three types of connections between Spanish women writers: level 1 connection—unilateral awareness but no interaction, level 2 connection—literary acquaintance (mutual), level 3 connection—strong literary collaboration/friendship/family. The connections can be filtered also according to the literary magazines, where the writers published their work. The visualization represents a research tool that enables an informed user, i.e. a researcher, to gain an overview of a large array of relationships by means of visual language.

Presentation concept for Spanish literary field and data preparation: Judith Rideout, University of Glasgow, and Dr. Aleš Vaupotič, University of Nova Gorica. Visualization design and coding: Marija Đurđević. Mentors: Dr. Narvika Bovcon, Assist. Jure Demšar, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, University of Ljubljana. Software: Processing.

For more information please contact Aleš Vaupotič.

New Publication

The bold New Women became a staple of English fin-de-siecle literature but how was she written in Finland and Slovenia? In a new article Katja Mihurko Poniž and Viola Parente-Čapková analyse how  writers “from the margins” engaged with that powerful figure:


The New Woman makes an appearance in the texts of both male and female fin de siècle writers, although Continue reading

Congratulations to Dr Katja Mihurko-Poniž !


In November 2015 Dr Katja Mihurko-Poniž has been awarded the prestigious Zois Certificate of Recognition for her outstanding contributions to research in Slovenia. Zois awards and certificates of recognition are the highest national scientific awards in Slovenia. The  Zois Certificate of Recognition is  conferred by the Board of the Republic of Slovenia for the Zois Award, the Zois Certificate of Recognition, the Ambassador of Science of the Republic of Slovenia Certificate of Recognition and the Puh Certificate of Recognition (hereinafter: Board). The Board is appointed by the Government of the Republic of Slovenia from among renowned researchers.

Lectures on literary researches at the University of Nova Gorica on World Book Day 2015

World Book day Noval Gorica 2


In the framework of World Book Day on 23rd April and Slovenian Book Days Festival various events and activities were organized all around Slovenia in the week from 20th April to 24th April 2015. The public library Goriška knjižnica Franceta Bevka in Nova Gorica had prepared 32 events on different locations which culminated in the night of books on Thursday 23rd April. The Research Centre for Humanities of the University of Nova Gorica took part in these events with three lectures presenting different topics in the research field of humanities under the title “Literary researches at the University of Nova Gorica”. Dr Katja Mihurko Poniž gave a lecture on the character of the new woman in Slovenian literature, while Dr Aleš Vaupotič presented the transformation of words in the new medias – poetry as a video.

World Book day Nova Gorica 1

“Meeting our foremothers”: Presentation of first results from the Gimnazija Nova Gorica student-led project

A. Šuligoj and K.M. Zavnik, students at Gimnazija Nova Gorica, presented first results of the student-led project “Meeting our foremothers” during the 29th Vilenica Literary Festival. A brochure with detailed information and interviews with authors will be published soon.

Meeting our Foremothers (A Šuligoj K M Zavnik)


Pavlina Pajk Symposium and Female Authorship in the 19th Century

On 9th April 2014, the University of Nova Gorica, in collaboration with the municipality of Nova Gorica, the Solkan community, the literary club Govorica from the Goriška region, and the Nova Gorica Slavic Association, organized a symposium that celebrated the 160th anniversary of the birth of the Slovene female writer and poet Pavlina Pajk (9 April, 1854 – 1 June, 1901), who started her literary career in Solkan. You can find more information here.